Telehealth Appointments
What is Telehealth?
Telehealth, tele appointments, or virtual appointments are appointments with a health provider over a secure platform where you, as the client, can remain in your home, on vacation, or with your kids. Telehealth appointments continue to provide quality one-on-one care through a video or phone format, depending on the comfort of the client and availability of technology. You are still working directly with your provider, but in a more convenient set-up for many.
Dr. Patty's Appointment Hours MST
9am-2:15pm MST
9am-2:15pm MST
9am-5pm MST
Thursday OR Friday
9am-2:15pm MST
Please note that Wednesdays will be reducing in length of the day into the Fall. Approaching the winter of 22/23, Wednesdays will be from 9am-4pm. The schedule will be changing as of January 2023. Stay tuned.
As of June 1, 2022, Dr. Patty will no longer be squeezing patients in. The demand has become overwhelming, and while she would like to make room for everyone, she does in fact deal with the same underlying conditions and is also full-time mom after the hours listed. Many have been fit in somewhere or squeezed in, but this does take great manipulation of schedules and childcare. We will allow after hours appointments in a limited capacity only, at an additional cost. Please contact Tom at to check for availability.
Why Telehealth?
Telehealth can be a very convenient option for many. Not only does it allow the client to not have to manage travel time and adjusting schedules, but it can open up the provider's time to allow more scheduling options as well. We personally don't mind children joining us or you finding a comfortable position on a couch or bed.
This platform can also create more accessibility to specialists willing to perform telehealth. Many patients may be unable to drive a few hours to a specialist's office. However, if they offer telehealth, they are able to treat a much larger population that can benefit from their help.
What do we treat with Telehealth?
We continue to work within our specialties within telehealth as well and we can perform a good deal of in office services via a telehealth platform. Here are some of the appointments offered by our providers:
Tom offers the following telehealth appointments:
Endurance Injury Consultations
Endurance Health and Wellness Consultations
Dr. Patty offers the following telehealth appointments:
EDS Health and Wellness Consultation
hEDS screening and telehealth
While we can typically do a great deal of the screening for the current clinical diagnostic criteria for hEDS through a telehealth appointment, the quality of video and internet reception for the day may interfere with some investigation. For this reason, we suggest the following be done prior to the initial appointment:​
Take a high quality photo of the back of the heels while in standing.
Take a high quality photo of any stretch marks found throughout the body.
Take a high quality photo of up to 4 scars found throughout the body.
Measure current height and also measure arm span middle finger tip to middle finger tip.
Send these measurements with the patient name's included to the following email address before the apoointment time:
How do these Telehealth appointments work?
We have made it simple to use our scheduling service to make a "virtual" appointment. Chose from provider or type of service and select the amount of time for your appointment. Once you chose, if you are a new patient, you will have to enter some information for us so we have a file within our system that you can access later on and a platform to pay with.
We use a secure video platform through our medical records program to hold our sessions. If you wish to not have video involved, please let us know when making the appointment and we will simply call you at your scheduled appointment time. With our regular video platform, you will get an email invitation when you book your appointment time. From this email link, you can simply click on and log in to the session when it is time for your appointment. Our platform is HIPAA compliant.
As with all of our consultations, we create notes for the sessions, inclusive of any recommendations given, within your chart. This usually takes some additional time to complete for the provider after the session, and we ask for your patience of about 24-48 business hours to be able to access your note within your chart. As with all of our appointments, we do not deal with insurance, and all appointments will be cash-based and charged at the end of the session to the credit card on file. If requested, a super-bill can be provided to submit to your insurance company. We do not work with insurance companies in any way. Superbills provided are not a guarantee of payment by your insurance company. From past experience, our services are usually only covered by Health Savings Accounts.
Calling from outside of Colorado?
Both Dr. Patty and Tom are able to perform telehealth for those outside of Colorado. Our scheduling service currently only lists our local Mountain Time when making an appointment. Please understand that you are making an appointment in Mountain Time and the appointment will be carried out at Mountain Time as well. Please adjust according to your local time zone. If you are scheduling with Dr. Patty and reside outside of the state of Colorado, an additional form will need to be filled out. You can download this form here, sign, and email back to our office at before your scheduled appointment time.
Ready to book?
In addition to the services discussed on this website, Patricia Stott is also licensed by the Pastoral Medical Association to offer Pastoral Science & Medicine services (PS&M). PS&M services are not state licensed or regulated by the state and do not include the diagnosis or treatment of disease nor the prescription of pharmaceutical drugs or controlled substances.