Zebra Den Practitioners

Patricia Stott PT, DPT, MS, ATC, CHT, CYT
Elevation Wellness
Suite 114D
Patty specializes in holistic health management of connective tissue disorders, screening for a non-surgical treatment of complex conditions such as MALS, upper cervical instability, and tethered cord. Consultations and manual treatment session are available. Screen through the above menu for more information, or click here for more information.

Linda Bluestein, MD
Hypermobility MD
Suite 114D
Dr. Linda Bluestein is a board-certified anesthesiologist, integrative pain medicine physician and former ballet dancer, who has dedicated her life to treating those afflicted with hypermobility disorders. She founded and co-hosts the podcast, “Bendy Bodies with the Hypermobility MD”, and is a former co-host of the podcast “Hypermobility Happy Hour”. Dr. Bluestein serves on the Allergy and Immunology Working Group for the International Consortium on EDS and HSD, the Medical Advisory Board for Standing up to POTS, the Board of Directors for the Bridge Dance Project, the Resources Committee for the Dance Healthy Alliance of Canada, and is the Pain Management Committee Chair for the non-profit, EDS Research Foundation. Please click here for more information.

Lisa Ralston, PT
Suite 114D
Lisa Ralston is a physical therapist specializing in orthopedics for those with hypermobility. Orthotics and joint pain are her specialties with a focus on feet, knees, and hips. She does perform gentle dry needling if appropriate with thoughtful application to the more reactive population. Lisa continues to explore the world of beneficial modalities for those with more responsive systems such as connective tissue disorders. Please click here to schedule.

Hypermobility Exercise Solutions
Suite 114A
Robyn is a MS Human Physiologist and Corrective Exercise Specialist. She has taught biological sciences including Anatomy and Physiology, Biology, Honors Bio Ap Bio, Environmental Science, and Health. She works with her clients primarily on neurological resetting via prescriptive breathing, pelvic floor and core exercises, followed by progressive peripheral work, adding load and eventually getting our zebra friends back to a place of minimal pain, flares, and higher functioning so they can get back to sports or normal life. Her clients range from those using full mobility assistance and extremely complicated cases, to those with EDS performing as competitive athletes. Robyn works with pre/post natal EDS moms to mitigate as many side-effects of pregnancy as possible. Click here for more information.

Megan Straley, PhD, RN
Little Goat Healing
Suite 114D
Megan is a Reiki Master and shamanic practitioner working as a Multidimensional Healer to support people on their healing journeys, with the primary intention of helping folks re-align to their True Self and their Path. From the shamanic perspective, dis-ease results from imbalances in our body, mind, or spirit. Our natural state is a place of alignment, flow, and balance. We all deviate from this from time to time. Her work assists a person in re-membering their True nature, empowering them to take back their life and walk their Path from a place of sovereign truth, personal power, and alignment. Click here for more information.

Indigo Lonnecker, CNA, CMT
Suite 114C
Indigo is a certified nursing assistant and licensed massage therapist trained in trauma touch techniques, and she is cranial sacral certified and manual lymphatic drainage certified. Indigo entered the world of massage therapy while learning to support her own conditions of EDS, MCAS, and POTS, so she could support others in a therapeutic way. Having the conditions, she works with her patients to listen to their bodies and hear their personal experiences to be able to positively add to their healing journey. She has found that lymphatic and craniosacral work has been very valuable to her more reactive clients. Appointments can be made by clicking here.

Austin Aragon, CMT
Suite 114C
Austin is a licensed massage therapist and is cranial sacral certified, well versed in trauma touch techniques. His passion is currently cranial sacral focused treatment. Appointments can be made by clicking here.