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Monthly Coaching Services

For Runners and Athletes Without EDS: 
For Those With EDS and Related Conditions, Read On For More Information:
What Does Elevation Wellness Offer?

Complete Programming

Plans cover all aspects of physical health and movement including: cardio/aerobic work, strengthening, balance, and flexibility.




Programs are personalized & modified as needed to accommodate for health changes or other life happenings that may affect your progress.

All Levels Welcome

No matter your level of fitness or what your goals may be, we can help you get to where you want to be. 


Easy to

Use App

We work with Training Peaks, a free app on your phone that allows open communication and easy updates for programming your activities.

Programming Options


  • Personalized care based on your past medical history with progression as appropriate based on you current level of health

  • Weekly progression or adjustments as needed

  • Communication with your coach through your app on how you responded to each work out



  • All inclusive of standard package

  • Two 30 minute meetings a month with your coach/provider in person, via tele-appointment, or via video chat to spend time with more specific details or issues that may come up.


***There is a $200 initial set up and consultation fee to begin coaching. This includes a review of your forms submitted and a 30 minute consult to determine the best starting point for you.***

You can submit your form here:

How Do The Coaching Plans Work?

  1. Pick out which plan you think may be best for you and submit your initial paperwork and past medical history information for review (click here for the form).

  2. We will schedule a 30 minute in-person, tele-appointment, or video chat session with you to review your information and discuss your goals and what your plan may look like. This is considered our set-up and initiation of programming which comes with a $200 fee. This will not have to be paid again unless there is more than a one year lapse in your coaching plan with us. You can pay this once we figure out an appointment time that works for you.

  3. Pick a date to start up your coaching plan. Your coach will send you all of the information you will need regarding the free app you will use to communicate easily with your provider and track your progress. You don't have to pay the monthly fee until we are ready to start. So, if you need one month to prepare and get all of your ducks in a row, you won't be charged until we start up in the app together.

  4. As you progress through your plan, you will be able to make comments within the app in regards to your work outs or how you are feeling in general. Your coach will progress, modify, or adjust your plans depending on those comments and reactions.

  5. If you have signed up for the Premium Plan, you will set up two appointments in office, via tele appointment, or video chat throughout the month to discuss anything that may come up in training you need to adjust, modify, or need help with.


What Activity Levels Do You Work With?

Any and all. We can work with our EDS athletes trying to push for endurance events and dealing with POTS or other stressors while we also enjoy working with those who may be very limited in activity. We have worked with clients previously who needed to start more basic than the Levine Protocol for POTS and required slower advancement and more modifications. Some of our clients will do floor exercises for a good while before being able to begin a true cardio routine. 


What Can I Expect In My Progression?

Everyone is different and those with chronic illness respond differently to activity. The progression is slower for most, but the majority of realistic goals can be reached. In progressing smartly with your activity levels, you should see a healthy improvement in your daily activities and overall well being. 


How Long Do I Need To Continue?

Everyone is different and it depends on your current level of involvement, what your goals are, how you respond to the coaching, what else you are dealing with in life and health, your support system, and your commitment levels (which for most of us, wax and wane). Some may be able to progress with coaching for a few months and continue on their own. Some may need longer term management if there is more to work on, accountability is needed, or the goals that are set are bigger.


I Have A Lot Going On, Are You Sure?

Yes! As long as your doctor is on board, we'd love to work with you. We can also chat with any doctors if you or they have concerns about a coaching program.



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